Friday, July 23, 2010

Relaxing The Legs East of Lubbock

I took the Baron out for the first post-MS150 ride today...Terry and I rode our upright bikes in Horseshoe Canyon on Wednesday evening to stretch our legs a little, but this was my first time back on the recumbent. I left the house today and rode out on East 50th to Buffalo Springs Lake. I did two repeats of the little hills west of the lake entrance, and then I rode north to East 19th Street and finished up by doing the Canyon Lakes route. It was a nice easy ride and just what the doctor ordered after the long riding weekend. There was a fairly strong SSW wind (15-20mph) for the majority of the ride...a little challenging when I am trying to relax and stretch my legs.

Mileage: 44.8 miles
Avg Speed: 17.8 mph

I don't know if anyone else has ever experienced this, but I had a huge problem with indigestion this past weekend as a result of eating/drinking all day in a reclined position on the Baron. Has anyone else ever had this problem with taking on nutrition while riding a recumbent? I am hoping it's something that my body will become accustomed to as I ride more, because it was extremely uncomfortable!

Riding by the numerous cotton fields east of Lubbock. It was sure a nice afternoon for a ride!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog! Never had a digestive problem like that, I seriously doubt it had anything to do with riding the Baron
