Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cooler Weather Is Upon Us!

We met at the Chisum Truck Center on Hwy 84 this morning for a nice easy long ride. The temperature was just below 60 degrees this morning when we started out, and it was NICE! Two of my friends from the Carney Men (MS150 Team) joined us on the ride this morning...Terry Caughron and Michael Riojas (pictured in the Texas Tech jerseys). The roads were fairly busy this morning, and I attribute that mostly to the fact that it is a holiday weekend as the country roads south and east of Lubbock are usually pretty quiet on a Saturday morning. We ended up riding through Horseshoe and Ransom Canyons...including a trip up the "Wall!" It was a fun 77 mile ride and we averaged just under 19 mph! I am getting better at riding hills on the recumbent. I think it is an acquired skill as it sure feels more difficult to pull my weight up in a reclining position.

Friday, September 3, 2010

I feel like I'm cheating sometimes...

My good friend and boss (for a few more days) Terry Caughron and I went on a nice easy afternoon ride in the West Texas wind! The only time I have ridden my Baron with Terry was on the MS150 bike ride this summer, and I always seem to be on my Specialized Tarmac every other time we ride. I told him that all I wanted was a nice easy ride today, as we have a long ride (70-80 miles) with several nice hills scheduled for the morning. The wind caused my ride to seem much easier than Terry's this evening...I wonder if he thinks I'm cheating by riding the speed machine. Not that I really care if people think I'm cheating, but I still wonder...if they get really upset about it I will just direct them to one of many websites where they can purchase one of their very own!