Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cotton Ginning Season = Allergies Galore

The cotton ginning season is in full swing on the South Plains, and my allergies are flaring up with the same sort of intensity. The local cotton farmers have had a great year, so the ginning season may also be unusually long this year...bad news for me, but GREAT news for the local farmers!

I was able to sneak in a quick 25 mile ride to Buffalo Springs Lake and back last week. Unfortunately, I have been very busy at work and home, so I am just now getting around to posting pictures of the ride.

Although we haven't had a freeze yet, most of the fields have been sprayed with a defoliant and the cotton is either being stripped or just about to be! It's great to see such a good cotton crop on the South Plains, but I am more than ready for them to be done. I think this is the worst year I've ever had as far as my allergies are's killing me!

Cotton modules galore in the stripped fields...bumper crop! In all the years that my dad was farming, we had VERY FEW years like this one!

This is a view of the cottonseed mill and wind farm coming back into Lubbock on East 50th Street. This is typically the route I take to get to the canyons for some hills and long rides. I sure hope I'll get to ride a little more than I have been lately...sure missing it!

I was dreading the hills today since I've only ridden once or twice in a month's time, but I felt just as strong today as I did the last time I rode. I know that won't last forever, so I'll have to make a concerted effort to get some miles in on the trainer to prevent losing too much fitness!

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